And We're Back!

Today. Today was our first day with munchkins and I'm still standing! Well...sitting. My feet are too tired to stand anymore. Plus, I still have about 823509223489 things to do. Give or take.

Just a couple of snapshots from our day!

I already love my sixteen sweet new littles! Well...I only had fifteen of them today, one was out. Who misses the first day of school?! Honestly?!

We barely got anything done today. I talked. so. much. We did a lot of procedural stuff, wrote a little, launched Read to Self, and did one of my favorite first day activities for the 7 days of creation. I'll show that next week once our laminator is fixed!

I'm seeing TONS of people are going back to school this week/already have gone back to school, so good luck if you haven't! For those of you who are chugging along - it's almost Friday! We're over the hump! Happy First Week! :o)

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